Mount Anderson

Total Distance: 14 km
Return Time: 4.5 hours
Elevation Gain: 867 m
Difficulty: Easy
Region: Annie Lake
Traditional Territory: CTFN

This mountain is located directly west of Tally-Ho Mountain and offers arguably more spectacular views for half the amount of effort. The route is straightforward following a well-maintained exploration road that goes all the way to the top of the mountain.

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Driving Directions

From Whitehorse, drive south on the Alaska Highway to the Carcross Cutoff and turn right onto the South Klondike Highway. Drive south for about 17 km and turn right onto the Annie Lake Road. After 26 km on the Annie Lake Road, you will cross a bridge over the Wheaton River. Around 7.9 km after the bridge, you will reach a large pull-out on the left in a gravel pit with a rougher road leading into the forest. This is the trailhead. Note there is a similar looking pull-out with an ATV trail about 4 km after the bridge as well, but make sure you keep going to the second one on the left at 7.9 km after the bridge.

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Route Description

Follow the dirt road that leads into the forest from the pull-out. In less than a kilometre you will reach a fork in the road. Follow the road to the right (the left road takes you to Tally-Ho). The road leads gradually uphill through the mostly pine forest and eventually into the sub-alpine. The views are pretty beautiful looking back down the Wheaton River and Partridge Creek valleys. Once out of the trees you'll be able to see the main ridge of Mount Anderson above you on the right. Continue following the road, which goes past the ridge and slightly left to cross a small creek.

Shortly after the creek crossing there is another fork in the road (this is about 4 km into the hike). Follow the road to the right. It will contour around a small hill and up to a saddle where you'll finally get a view to the west. Here you'll also see the remnants of mineral exploration activities. The road continues now to the right (north) and heads straight up, for the final 180 m elevation gain up to the peak. You'll pass the Yukon Avalanche Society weather station. The north face of the mountain dramatically gives way to rocky cliffs below, that tower over the Wheaton River Valley. The views to the west showcase the Mount Bell and Carbon Hill area across Becker Creek. You can also see the Mount Skukum area as well as the distant, snowy spires of Radelet Peak in BC.

Enjoy the views and return the way you came. It is tempting to continue following the ridge down to the east, and looping back to the road, but this is not recommended as the ridge down to the road is steeper than it looks with lots of loose rocks.

Winter Route Description

Note if attempting this route in the winter, the route does enter ''challenging'' and ''complex'' avalanche terrain after the first fork in the road. The Wheaton Valley is often characterized by a thin and weak snowpack, making it potentially more dangerous for winter travel. Check out the Yukon Avalanche Association website ''ATES'' maps (Avalanche Terrain Ratings) at for more information and potential mitigation.

Route Photos

When the road splits in the alpine, take the right path.

Walking up the road with views down towards Tally-Ho and Annie Lake.

Climbing up to the summit, with old mounds of previous mining activity around.

Looking up towards the summit, with the rocky cliffs of Mount Anderson below.

The view down the Annie Lake road towards Mount Skukum.

Winter Route Photos

Satellite View

Route Comments

Submit a comment for Mount Anderson

JWY July 1, 2024
Hiked this on June 30 , snow free! Not sure we actually found the summit as we didn't see the weather station but nevertheless it was beautiful and worth the hike up.

Allison June 16, 2024
Attempted June 16. Drove up to the fork with the Tally Ho Road. Enough room to park a couple vehicles to shave off a km or so. Road clear of snow until about km 4 where snow patches begin and the road becomes a creek. At about km 5, after the second fork there was too much snow to continue without post-holing almost every step.

Jason April 29, 2024
28 April 2024:
Hiked up to the saddle in the alpine until the post-holing won. Beautiful morning and totally worth the effort.
Road is snow covered, but walkable if you can tolerate a few random post holes.
Once into the alpine the compacted trail from snow machines dissipates and walking without snow shoes becomes very difficult. Snow shoes might be useless too as the snow pack is becoming quite rotten?
Grizzly tracks on the road up, and lots of grouse in the trees. Goats on the hill opposite from the parking pull out.

Marianna June 4, 2023
We hiked Mt. Anderson today, Jun 03, 2023 and it was a really fun and rewarding hike. There is still several snow patches, some big some small, it starts after the creek and all the way up, all passable. Water running down on the trail. But nothing really an issue. All the life is pushing through, leaves opening, plants are sprouting, very vibrant. It kind of felt like 3 season, all the fall leaves on the ground, the snow and the new greens. How special.

SHA June 18, 2022
Did this hike on June 18, 2022. Lots of snow melt making runoff on the road, but the road itself was mostly snow-free, there was enough space to get by it. Our dog did chase a lynx up a tree but other than that we didn't see any potentially hazardous wildlife. The trail was easy to follow using the instructions and we had a great time! It took us 5.5 hours round trip with a stop for lunch and several photo ops. The bugs weren't even very bad which was a welcome relief from the Whitehorse bugs right now.

Kevin Rozon June 7, 2022
We hit the summit of Mount Anderson June 4. There was still a bunch of snow on the road so we hiked up the steep side on the right right before the creek crossing up to the ridge, and then walked the ridge to the weather station. The hike up and down the steep mountain was challenging but in truth Im glad we did that and not the road, as we would have been post-holing the entire time. The views from the top are incredible.

Amy 2 September 9, 2021
Last weekend the trail was closed for the CTFN hunt. Anyone happen to know when it reopens?

Yukon Su September 5, 2021
Sept 4/21 - Enjoyed this hike - gorgeous fall colours and spectacular views that beckoned us to explore more. Thanks for the good trail details.

BMD August 17, 2021
August 16- Hiked the trail today and it was lovely. The trail is in pretty good condition, you could drive up a little further but I would suggest using the parking lot area to preserve the trail.

Sylvain Brisebois August 2, 2021
Hiked this beauty of a trail on July 27th, 2021. It was my first time in Yukon and this scenic route didn't disappoint. Unfortunately, for us, the day was a little cloudy and visibility was poor at the peak. Luckily, the clouds cleared up just in time and we were able to enjoy the breathtaking view. I'd recommend this trial to anyone and everyone.

Liz B July 10, 2021
My partner and I hiked up Anderson on July 3. The trail is in great shape all the way up, it's a bit wet in the sections that parallel the creek but not enough to soak your feet.

We ran into a black bear at km5 but the bear was busy munching on growth along one of the slopes and paid absolutely no attention to us. We saw a pair of nesting pipits at the top (I believe that's the birdie in B5s photo below) and that was it for wildlife viewing.

Distance and elevation gain recorded on our Garmin were bang on compared to what Yukon Hiking has listed.

Like B5 mentioned below, you can definitely drive and park further up the trail but if everyone starts doing that then the road will probably get rutted pretty quickly. To keep this trail in the great shape its currently in, I would say just park in the pullout and use your legs!

B5 July 5, 2021
Traversed July 4. Almost no snow. No bears. Bugs only a mild nuisance. The route description is very good. Just one refinement. Save yourself 1.7 km of walking and drive the first 0.85 km of the trail from the gravel pit (one 20 metre rocky patch to contend with but we saw three "urban" 4x4 SUVs parked in a rural campsite, so doable). Can anyone identify the carnivore in the photo? Thanks much.

Amy June 16, 2021
Can you still drive to this hike? Aren't the bridges over Wheaton River now gone?

Ruth June 13, 2021
Hiked this yesterday (June 12, 2021). There was still a fair bit of snow in the 'saddle' area, just before you get to the mineral exploration part (see description). You could skirt around most snow patches but others could not be avoided. I went through the snow and was potholing up to thigh height. Around the mineral exploration part it clears up again and the views are incredible. Saw a caribou right at the summit. Also, some evidence of grizzly activity around 4km in. I would say wait for a little more melt to save the effort of potholing, but it is doable.

WilliamW May 25, 2021
Hiked this route on May 22nd. Trail is mostly clear of snow from the trailhead to ~2.5km in, but beyond that the trail is still quite covered. We made it to ~3.5km in before turning back due to knee deep snow (also had to circumvent a small avalanche debris pile at km 3). However, the views are fantastic and the elevation is gradual and easy. Will certainly be returning soon to complete this hike!

Melanie May 15, 2021
Try it today ! A lot of snow still there ( sometimes to our knees )... we just go back before being able to see the view. Can't wait to do it when the snow will be gone !

Anna October 12, 2020
Hiked this one yesterday, the description for both driving to the trailhead and the hiking route are very accurate. Wide and straightforward path to the top. Icy section just before the small creek and a little bit of snow at the top.