Yukon Hiking

A little guidance in a wild landscape.

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July 2, 2024
Collyn on Samuel Glacier
The creek crossing is about knee height. Had to carry a couple of our dogs over. Currently lots of running streams at the top. We filled up at the last creek crossing and ended dumping it out as less silty water up top. Still some snowy patches. This may change later in the season. Great hike with a...
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July 2, 2024
Hannah on Thechàl Dhâl (Sheep Mountain)
Did this hike on June 22. Loose scree on the way up Sheep Mountain and steep but going up was fine (down might be a bit sketchy). We connected with Sheep Creek trail by following the ridge line. Though it is not a marked trail it is very easy to see where you need to go as it is the alpine and you c...
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July 2, 2024
Hannah on Dail Peak
Hiked June 30. Very steep up from the highway with loose rocks. There is an ATV trail once you get to the plateau that adds a bit of distance but is easy to follow and goes to the summit. Once up on the plateau it is easy walking and the summit is very achievable. Going down the steep scree back to ...
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July 1, 2024
Jay on Mount Lorne
Went up to just below the first summit yesterday — trail was in great condition with no snow on the portion we hiked. The summit and ridge appears from be totally snow-free too. The creek was pretty shallow and could be easily hopped across with some sticks in the water. The mosquitos were kinda g...
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July 1, 2024
JWY on Mount Anderson
Hiked this on June 30 , snow free! Not sure we actually found the summit as we didn't see the weather station but nevertheless it was beautiful and worth the hike up.
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